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Les Patriotes de 1837@1838 - Belleau, Sir Narcisse (1808-1894)
Belleau, Sir Narcisse (1808-1894)
Article diffusé depuis le 19-jan-02

Born in the city of Quebec and educated there. In 1852 a member of the Legislative Council, and in 1857-1862 Speaker. Mayor of Qnebec, 1860, when King Edward VIII, as Prince of Wales , visited Canada, and knighted on the occasion. In 1862 appointed minister of agriculture in the Cartier-Macdonald ministry- and in 1865 premier and receiver-general in a coalition govern- ment. Appointed lieutenant-governor of the province of Quebec, 1867; resigned in 1873. Bib.: Rose, Cyc. Can. Bio.; Taylor, Brit. Am.; Dent, Last Fotty Years.

Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J., Encyclopedia of Canadian History, Makers of Canada Series, vol 12, 1927.


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