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Les Patriotes de 1837@1838 - Barclay, Thomas (1753-1830)
Barclay, Thomas (1753-1830)
Article diffusé depuis le 19-jan-02

Born in New York. A graduate of Columbia College. and studied law under John Jay. In 1777 served in the British army during the American Revolution, and in 1777 became major. At the end of the war moved to Nova Scotia, entered the House of Assemhly, and for some time Speaker. Appointed adjutant-general of militia; served as a commissioner under Jay's Treaty; appointed consul-general at New York for the Northern and Eastern states. Commissioner under fourth and fifth articles of the Treaty of Ghent. Bib.: Cyc. Am.Biog.; Sabine,Loyalists.

Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J., Encyclopedia of Canadian History, Makers of Canada Series, vol 12, 1927.


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